LILO repair

Kevin Buettner
Wed, 30 Aug 2000 12:16:48 -0700

On Aug 30, 12:03pm, Tilby, Lynn # PHX wrote:

> I recently uptraded from RH 6.0 to RH 6.1 during the last step of the
> upgrade process I was asked something to the effect "Do you want to write
> the changes to your boot sector" or something like that....  I inadvertently
> chose not too.
> Well, now I can only boot from a floppy.  It is as if part of the code for
> booting from the HD did not get written to the boot sector when I did the
> upgrade.  When I try and boot from the HD the system goes part of the way
> through the boot process and hangs.
> How do I repair this problem?

Have you tried running lilo manually?

(Check your /etc/lilo.conf file first...)
