and server-client integration

Alan Dayley
Tue Mar 30 09:34:02 2004

The script retrieves or accepts 'cvs log' command output and
parses it into a more readable "GNU style" change log.  (See:  I want to integrate it into a CVS server
so that it can be run both automatically on the server and by explicit
command from any authorized clients.  My immediate goal is fairly modest
as I try to describe below.

Running the script on a client, I should be able to point it at the server
to get the log command ouput for it to parse.  I am finding that the
documentation for making the CVS server connection, via the script is
thin.  At least it is not clear to me how to log into the server to get
the log command output.  So first I need to figure out the cvs2cl command
line that will successfully execute the log command to the CVS server. 
Login to the server is via pserver.  Any help with this small goal would
be appreciated.

Next, I have not yet found a good reference on incorporating cvs2cl and
similar tools like cvs2html into CVS servers and clients.  A "best
practices" sort-of HOWTO would be cool.  Anybody know of one?
