cross-platform c++ classes?

Rob Wehrli
Mon May 21 12:39:01 2001

Lucas Vogel wrote:
> The fame, the fortune, the women...why else? :)
> Actually, there are a lot of reasons for it, primarily because of drawing

I can't think of any good reasons for what it *appears* that you're
proposing, but I haven't seen GSD, either.  It sounds a lot more like
you need to rewrite the documentation or maybe just re-read it.  If, in
fact, there is a substantially different public interface used for a
Win32 version of the library and the X Window version of it, then to use
the words cross-platform or platform-neutral in conjunction with it is
inappropriate.  I've seen far worse, but there is no reason to try to
"fix" them IMHO.  A complete rewrite and delta divergence is required. 
Deprecate the old ways of thinking and start implementing the new ways
through any of many strategies.  Writing platform specific code with C++
"classes" is nearly criminal.  The C++ "core" should definitely use some
service provider interface to platform specific implementations that
abstract to a higher-level, common API.  If you can't do it cleanly,
then consider rewriting it.  Anything else becomes a nightmare to
maintain and describe while also building into it many variations of
documentation and related support.

Maybe I missed it, is GSD C or C++?

> and rendering custom graphics, etc. - the documentation for GSD speaks in
> two ways, one in terms of X and another in terms of Windows. By having a
> platform-specific subset I would be able to implement those
> platform-specific aspects separately.

The idea of a "subset" of classes is very weird indeed.  Class libraries
tend to be hierarchical.  A *set* of classes that use interfaces of
another set of classes is not a subset of the other set, but a
relationship definitely exists.  A true "subset" of classes would tend
to fall under the branches of a derived base class somewhere up the
inheritance ladder...but then, we don't really talk about them as
"subsets," rather, derived classes.  Considering a library to be a set
of classes and describing some portion of them to be a subset of the
library is probably ill-fated, at best.  The relationships that exist
between classes in a single library are not well-defined using sets and
subsets.  If you were to take a few libs out of your /usr/lib directory
and say, here is a subset of libraries, well, from the perspective of
some of a greater number of files in a path, it makes some sense because
there isn't necessarily any relationship between the PATH and the subset
to distort the truth.  However, in a *class hierarchy* (even when
considering multiple inheritance, which certainly throws a decently
large wrench into the discussion), which is likely *packaged* in a
library, the relationships between the individual classes is typically
well-defined as poorly defined relationships result in crappy class

My goal here is not to pick apart the words you've chosen for this
discussion, but to ensure that we're communicating along the same
lines.  If what you implement creates a problem with the "natural"
hierarchy within a class library, you are causing yourself grief by
considering it.  If, on the other hand, your new code supplements and
blends well with the natural order in the library, then you're adding to
its grace and beauty.  What few people realize about C++ is that it is
not good enough to be a purely good mechanical implementor of the
language.  Good C++ is a combination of good mechanical implementation
and true art (as opposed to "fine" art, which is expensive and sits
around collecting dust for people who have enough time to appreciate
it).  OOP newcomers tend to be neither good mechanics nor good artisans,
and all-too-frequently, they lack the fundamental "wherewithall" that is
the OOP mentality needed to be a halfway decent implementor.  While I'm
not suggesting that you don't have it or that you can't learn it, your
choice of words doesn't seem to imply it.  Perhaps the possibly greatest
failing a programmer can do is to misuse a language to accomplish some
goal.  Hey, it works, right?  The key to good programming is
understanding.  If the code is easy to understand and the implementation
matches some basic set of known patterns (GOF) or methods of
accomplishing results in a way that other programmers intuitively
comprehend, then the code is at least "useful."  How well it does the
desired job can then be improved upon with a better mechanical
implementation of the properly abstracted algorithms used to perform the
actual work.  That, not-so succinctly, is the goal of any class
"library" builder.  If you at least do that, you can't make too many
foolish mistakes and "corrupt" the intention of the language without
being a rather obvious "bull in the ole china shop."  C++ will let you
compile just about anything that doesn't have two mains in compilation
unit.  I spent probably 4 hours once trying to trick it into letting me
overload/override/redefine/bastardize main just to see if I could do it,
but true to the standard, gcc wouldn't let me!  I stopped just short of
defining an operator to take the place of main :)

...if you haven't tried this one, please do...

main(2,_+1,"%s %d
;#q#n+,/+k#;*+,/'r :'d*'3,}{w+K w'K:'+}e#';dq#'l
i;# \  
){nl]!/n{n#'; r{#w'r nc{nl]'/#{l,+'K {rw' iK{;[{nl]'/w#q#n'wk nw'
iwk{KK{nl]!/w{%'l##w#' i; :{nl]'/*{q#'ld;r'}{nlwb!/*de}'c
;;{nl'-{}rw]'/+,}##'*}#nc,',#nw]'/+kd'+e}+;#'rdq#w! nr'/ ') }+}{rl#'{n'
')# \ 
"!ek;dc i@bK'(q)-[w]*%n+r3#l,{}:\nuwloca-O;m

..besure to leave strict ANSI off and use gcc.  It is beautiful, but I
can't take credit for

> > > that way I still have a platform-neutral codebase that anyone
> > > could use in general, with a specific implementation that I
> > need for what

How could anyone "use" the platform-neutral form if it requires a
specific implementation for some other user type?  You'd be better off
writing a COM wrapper to the existing base or finding an appropriate
common interface and tying it into your COM object.

> > > I'm doing-which, in this case, would be a windows/COM
> > > implementation of the
> > > core.
> >
> Lucas


Take Care.
