
David Sinck sinck@owmyeye.ugive.com
Tue, 15 Aug 2000 13:08:00 -0700 (MST)

\_ moin, moin,
\_ trying to actually start using Perl modules and such.
\_ I've got a module __DIE__ing on me. It's catching the error I want, but
\_ according to the docs I can't catch this and keep it from killing off my
\_ program. The error isn't fatal for what I want to do. In fact, it's almost
\_ required :), but I need my program to keep going.

try looking at eval.

eval {block};

if ($@)
  print "Hey I just borked: $@\n";
  print "My happy.\n";

very similar to try catch in other <bait>lesser</bait> languages.
