TODAY! Re: [PLUG-announce]Linux Training Tomorrow
Thu, 03 Oct 2002 10:54:02 -0700

Ernie L. Bérriz asked:
 > Will any of the training documentation be
 > available in electronic form, or am I SOL?

Information on most of these subjects can be
obtained using a search engine.  For example,
Hans was to present on the desktop control
center and KMail, and you can research these
online, try them on your system, and ask here
on the mailing list if you hit a snag.

The main added value of the Linux Training
classes will be that we learn better face to
face, with the opportunity to clarify, to ask
questions and toss the subject around.  But
a lot of information is available online.

In the Free Software world, you are rarely SOL.
It's proprietary software that so often leaves
you up the creek without a paddle.

   -- or --