Re: cyber war / moving back to Linux

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Author: Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss
Date: 2022-03-22 22:12 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
CC: techlists
Subject: Re: cyber war / moving back to Linux

Hey this guy motioned moving from Chrome to Firefox. Any thoughts?
Quick search says FF is the default for Linux. I use Chrome on Win and
I do not recall why because I have FF installed also.

On 2022-03-22 12:08, greg zegan via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> Has anyone used or heard of this?
> Why This Is The Operating System Edward Snowden Recommends [1]
> On Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 12:04:37 PM MST, Anthony Radzykewycz via
> PLUG-discuss <> wrote:
> Hey Everybody,
>    I'm fortunate enough to have a unique perspective on this topic.
> Without going into any detail at all (mostly because I have steered
> clear of being an active participant), I can say that there are ways
> to get involved. That'd be of your own accord, but I was provided a
> link earlier by a colleague.

>    On a securing aspect, I found that STIGs are pretty neat to go
> through. They suck if you have to go
> through them a bunch of times, but the first set that I did was really
> illuminating to the settings available on systems. I know there has
> always been the opinion that Linux is more secure than Windows (and
> Mac is more secure than Linux), but my experience with this claim is
> different. I understand Apple devices to be amongst the worst...
> Either way, more than the OS, applications are where a lot of vulns
> exist. Windows systems are certainly more targeted, and the user-base
> is usually of a different caliber than Linux users (Linux users tend
> to learn a bit more than your typical end user). Regardless of this, I
> think most of the hackers at my org are much more familiar with Linux
> hacking (as it's more prevalent and easier to get access to learning
> resources).

>    Sorry to go off-tangent here, but I wanted to share my perspective
> (as a 'hacker'). Check out the STIGs and let me know what you all
> think. Of course, it depends on what you are running, but as you'll
> see, STIGs are quite extensive.
> Regards,
> Anthony (RedHatAugust) Radzykewycz

> On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 11:05 AM Samuel Stavole-Carter via
> PLUG-discuss <> wrote:
>> A session on improving security would be great. I’ll check out
>> Aaron’s stuff in the meantime. Thanks for sharing!
>> On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 10:32 AM der.hans via PLUG-discuss
>> <> wrote:
>>> Am 22. Mar, 2022 schwätzte Harold Hartley via PLUG-discuss so:
>>> moin moin,
>>>> I have been researching all the ways to harden my linux box so I
>>> don't have
>>>> problems. But some of the research I have found to be out of
>>> date so I may
>>>> check on here for things I want to harden my linux box against
>>> any type of
>>>> attacks.
>>> Perhaps we should have a presentation on improving our security.
>>> We do have many security presentations up from the before times,
>>> especially if you look at Aaron's security series.
>>> Also, Brian was having way too much fun with some of the title
>>> images he
>>> was making :).
>>> ciao,
>>> der.hans
>>>> On 3/22/22 09:46, Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I understand there is a cyber war going on. I understand it is
>>> the worse
>>>>> so far. I hear it is coming from Russia.
>>>>> I moved to Windows about 6 years ago for business reasons.
>>> Those reasons
>>>>> have since passed. I do have one piece of software that runs
>>> on Win or
>>>>> MAC. So I am thinking of running that on a Win laptop I have
>>> and it will
>>>>> be isolated for the most part.
>>>>> I'm thinking it is time to move back to Linux for my laptop.
>>>>> I think we need to open a discussion on this cyber war.
>>>>> Thoughts?
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