Fw: [OCLUG] Virtual Meeting: 15 May - WordPress security

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Author: Steve Litt via PLUG-discuss
Date: 2021-05-13 05:21 -000
To: plug-discuss
CC: Steve Litt
Subject: Fw: [OCLUG] Virtual Meeting: 15 May - WordPress security
Given that just today there was a post related to WordPress security,
perhaps some of you would be interested in this OCLUG jitsi meeting...


Begin forwarded message:

Date: Tue, 11 May 2021 21:20:43 -0700
From: Kyle Terrien <>
To: Orange County Linux Users Group <>
Subject: [OCLUG] Virtual Meeting: 15 May - WordPress security

Hello OCLUG,

This Saturday, 15 May, at 10 AM there will be a virtual meeting. This
month, Panda will give a special presentation about WordPress security
and answer our questions:

* What is WordPress?
* How secure is WordPress?
* How does one secure WordPress?

Everyone is invited, and I hope to see you all soon.

URL: https://meet.jit.si/OrangeCountyLinuxUserGroup

(I am trying to standardize on the above URL for meetings going

[*] Kyle Terrien
     Linux Troubleshooter
       I help you get to the *root* of your problems.
     * 714-584-0255 (Google Voice)
     * https://klipkyle.gitlab.io/
     * Telegram: https://t.me/klipkyle
     * Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/@klipkyle:matrix.org

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