PLUG Meeting for May 14^th
This month:
Matt McGrae: Getting Started with Nextcloud
der.hans: Big Blue Button Video Conferencing
For more info, Meeting time and location see:***
** *******
We have 2 presenters for this month's VIRTUAL MEETING.
Attend my going at 7pm Thursday the 14th to:
*Matt McGrae: Getting Started with Nextcloud*
A brief history of Nextcloud and why you might want to use it for yourself.
*der.hans: Big Blue Button Video Conferencing*
Big Blue Button (BBB) is a Free Software video conferencing tool with
good moderation tools.
Originally created for use with classrooms, it also has instructional
options and ties into Moodle.
BBB doesn't require extra software to use with desktops, lapstops,
phones or tablets as it uses the WebRTC browser standard.
BBB Presentation features include:
* video conferencing
* shared chat
* shared editing
* showing documents and video
* breakout rooms
The Greenlight project is an addon for instance administration.
It includes some necessary moderation tools including:
* password protected call
* waiting room
* presenter role
* participant sharing restrictions ( lock out microphone, video, chat,
etc. )
* kickout disruptors
The presentation will cover using Big Blue Button from an attendee's
perspective, including a feature list and a tour of the user interface.
AZLoCo has been using Big Blue Button on a home server for at least a
Recently BBB switched to WebRTC and the LoCo has been quite happy with
that upgrade.
In the Free Software community there are some community run BBB
instances available for testing.
You can also install BBB on your own system and run your own instance.
Alternatively, there are a few commercial hosting options available.
The PLUG general meeting will use a hosted Big Blue Button instance.
The Free Software Stammtisch will also use the hosted BBB instance for
this month's meeting on Tuesday the 19th.
*About der.hans*:
der.hans is a technology and entrepreneurial veteran.
He is chairman of the Phoenix Linux User Group (PLUG), Promotions and
Outreach chair for SeaGL, BoF organizer for the Southern California
Linux Expo (SCaLE) and founder of the Free Software Stammtisch. He
presents regularly at large community-led conferences (SCaLE, SeaGL,
LFNW, Tübix, OLF, TXLF) and many local groups.
Currently a Customer Data Engineer at Object Rocket. Public statements
are not representative of $dayjob.
Mastodon -
Plume -*
The meeting will start at 7pm at The Desert Breeze Substation. People
start arriving as early as 6pm, so if you would like to help setup
and/or chat for a while, arrive a little early.
*Meeting Location*:
Desert Breeze Substation
251 North Desert Breeze Blvd West
Chandler, AZ 85226
The Desert Breeze Substation is on Chandler Blvd and Desert Breeze Blvd,
which is half way between McClintock and Rural. It is very close to
both the south 202 and 101 freeways. Public transportation is
available into the late hours.
For more information see the meeting information on our web site
Contact PLUG:
We will go for food (usually to BJs at the Chandler Fashion Center Mall)
after the meeting so we can chat with each other comfortably. Please
feel free to join us. Please come even if you aren't hungry, the food is
not mandatory.
See you there,
Brian Cluff

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