Re: zoom and teams patches

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Author: der.hans via PLUG-discuss
Date: 2020-04-29 05:40 -000
To: Ryan Petris via PLUG-discuss
CC: der.hans
Subject: Re: zoom and teams patches
Am 28. Apr, 2020 schwätzte Ryan Petris via PLUG-discuss so:

moin moin,

> That's not entirely true, I use Webex on Linux, including sharing my screen,

Yeah, in the end it worked with Firefox. I had to allow some JavaScript,
but no completely 3rd party stuff.

I also didn't need to create an account for authentication. The webex join
meeting UI sucks pretty badly.



> nearly every day for work. It is true that there's no native client, though,
> but the workaround is to use Chrome or a Chrome-based browser (in my case,
> Chromium), and Webex is able to use the built-in screen sharing functionality
> of Chrome to share your screen. The only caveat I've found is that you must
> use Xorg, not Wayland, as Chromium doesn't appear to support screen capture
> on Wayland.
> On 2020-04-28 15:20, Phil Waclawski via PLUG-discuss wrote:
>> Webex still does not have a Linux client (not even via web), so it is
>> a no go for me except on my phone, and I can't teach class with a
>> phone. So still using Zoom.
>> Phil W
>> On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 11:32 AM der.hans via PLUG-discuss
>> <> wrote:
>>> moin moin,
>>> I'll be posting something longer and positive about Big Blue Button
>>> (
>>> hopefully today ), but at this point we're probably all stuck using
>>> a
>>> variety of tools that others get to choose for us.
>>> Zoom fixed their waiting room security hole and Microsoft is still
>>> learning how to safely display images.
>>> Both were fixed server side, so the holes should be gone.
>>> Anyone know the state of webex? That's popped up for me due to the
>>> recurring zoom issues.
>>> ciao,
>>> der.hans
>>> --
>>> #
>>> # It's up to the reader to make the book interesting.
>>> # An author has only the opportunity to make it uninteresting. -
>>> der.hans
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