Hi Mark
Yes we will be meeting Sat at UAT 10-4PM
upgrade can be done but I suspect most will recommend clean install 18.04
we normally back up /home which contains all files and data docs ect.
then install clean. Why? Linux changes too fast 14.04 to 16.04 failed 50%
due to massive changes that were unable to be accounted for. 16.04 to 18.04
works 90% backing up home and clean install 100% plus we can test it before
hand with live media. we will every thing to test upgrade or clean install
so either way we should be able to get you current. Todd
On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 6:39 PM, Mark Phillips <
> Just checking to make sure the InstallFest is still happening this
> Saturday.
> I need some help upgrading my System76 Gazelle laptop from Ubuntu 14.04 to
> 16.04 to 18.04. I spent a couple of hours on the phone with the System 76
> support techs, and we could not get the updater to run. I am hoping there
> will be someone there who can help me! Or, is this a too advanced topic for
> the InstallFest?
> Thanks!
> Mark
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Todd Cole
Ubuntu Arizona Team
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