Re: Let's Encrypt certificates

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Author: Nathan O'Brennan
Date: 2018-04-16 23:26 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: Let's Encrypt certificates
-- Sorry as wrong identity and I expect the other to fail, I apologize
if you get this twice.

Thanks Stephen, this seems to be about the right time, but I think my
problems started before this.

I have not tried combining the primary chain with the intermediate chain
and then making Dovecot use that. I think that is my next step. I just
haven't had time to mess with it further since making my phone accept
the cert was an easy fix so I could get back to work.

On 2018-04-13 15:44, Stephen Partington wrote:

> So it looks great.
> This does look like a feature change was recently done.
> On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 3:03 PM, Stephen Partington <> wrote:
> Sorry, I lost this off my radar.
> [1] has some interesting information. Have you tested your ssl?
> On Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 2:47 PM, Nathan O'Brennan <> wrote:
> On 2018-04-12 11:27, Matt Birkholz wrote:
> Hi Nathan,
> Did you get any help with this, or figure it out yourself by now? No, to be honest I haven't seen a single response, but I have also not seen any email come in since I sent it, so I kind of thought maybe my certificate was messed up somehow else.
> I ended up having my phone accept the certificate so I could check my mail, but I never did resolve it. It works correctly everywhere, and on my phone as long as it does not try to verify, so I left it alone.
> I have been doing similar things on a CoxBusiness static IP for years,
> so maybe I can help. (Also Mike's latest silliness makes me wish for
> more erudite discussions on PLUG. Smart questions going unanswered
> only makes it worse? :-)
> I included a couple quick "reactions" to your email (below) but maybe
> this is moot now, a week on.
> -Matt
> On Thu, 2018-04-05 at 20:29 -0700, Nathan O'Brennan wrote:
> Hey all,
> I use Let's Encrypt on my web server, and I use the same certificate for
> my postfix and dovecot services. Today I realized that my phone has not
> alerted me to new messages. I logged into my webmail via Firefix (I
> don't usually log into webmail until my phone says I have mail) and sure
> enough, I had quite a bit of mail, so I opened my BlueMail app and it
> will not connect because my certificate cannot be verified.
> Firefox works fine on webmail.
> Chrome works fine on webmail.
> Postfix, Apache, and Dovecot all operate correctly without warnings.
> Bluemail, Thunderbird, and Kmail all fail to connect because the
> certificate cannot be verified.
> You did not attach the intermediate certificates?
> I had to accept the certificate to use it on my phone. Has Let's Encrypt
> changed something? Or what? I don't get any errors on my server, dovecot
> reports a username of <> during the initial handshake, which I think is
> normal, then reports an error only when my phone attempts to connect
> which looks like:
> Apr 05 20:26:23 [2] dovecot[1699]: imap-login: Disconnected
> (no auth attempts in 3 secs): user=<>,,
> lip=, TLS handshaking: SSL_accept() failed:
> error:14094416:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert certificate
> unknown: SSL alert number 46, session=<xsrZniVpOQBGsb2i>
> Best I can tell this is a failure on my server's attempt to verify my
> phone's certificate?
> Your phone has an IMAP client certificate? I missed that part.
> The error message actually looks like mine when certificates do not
> validate and clients do not attempt to log in.
> Any help would be appreciated.
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