Re: Microsoft has created an A.I. that can write its own cod…

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Author: Keith Smith
Date: 2017-03-10 15:21 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: Microsoft has created an A.I. that can write its own code

There will always be opportunity it just shifts. As we talked about in
a prior thread, once upon a time you could get a good manufacturing job
with little skill. Today you want a good paying job you have to learn a
skill like A/C, plumbing, etc.

When I went to Disneyland 15 years ago some of the rides were
"automated", moving the seating platform and changing the display so you
actually felt like you were moving. Someone had to assemble that ride.
Someone had to engineer it. Someone had to manufacture it. And someone
had to transport it.

In the greater scheme of things, things have not changed much in 15
years. The new minimum wage may make some alternatives more viable,
such as McDonald's replacing it's order taking staff with automated
ordering. Someone will need to create those automated ordering devices.
This is a shift in skills.

Maybe at some point in the future we will become the Jetsons... and I'm
pretty sure I will be dead by then.

If we continue to replace people with robots, then at some point our
economy will crash. At that point maybe the movie logan's run becomes a
reality. In the movie logan's run people are give a short life span of
about 30 years. Once they reach 30 they enter "renewal" which is like
a big bug zapper.

Is logan's run our future?

On 2017-03-10 00:19, trent shipley wrote:
> A while ago I heard a futurist say that if you wanted your kid to make
> money in the future, they should pursue a creative career. He expected
> technology jobs to go the way of manufacturing jobs -- automated out
> of existence. The up side is that owners of capital will make MUCH
> higher profits, while consumers of IT will save some money. Also,
> access to IT should be more democratic since it will not rely as much
> on left brain thinking and scarce training.
> Microsoft is hardly alone in trying to make administrators and
> programmers obsolete, and the repressive leftist politics or dystopian
> fear mongering strike me as burying the lead--especially if you are a
> technologist whose job is in the cross-hairs of economic and technical
> history.
> Trent.
> On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 11:34 PM Vara La Fey <>
> wrote:
>> Oh. Joy. A Cortana that can write its own spyware. Windows Skynet.
>> Upgrade today. Or else.
>> - Vara
>> - [1]
>> On Mar 9, 2017 11:18 PM, "Victor Odhner" <> wrote:
>> Hmmm. Did my post get blocked?
>> __________________
>> On Mar 9, 2017, at 16:59:21, Keith Smith <>
>> wrote:
>> Yep what we need is smart computers. When all this started computers
>> were supposed to create a shorter work week. Now look what we have.
>> Racist computers - LOL!!
>> On 2017-03-09 15:32, Anon Anon wrote:
>> On Mar 9, 2017 15:17, "Stephen Partington" <>
>> wrote:
>> Really? you took this there.
>> On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 2:49 PM, Nathan England
>> <> wrote:
>> On 2017-03-09 08:47, Anon Anon wrote:
>> How long until they teach this one how to create html filled with
>> explitives and hate speech?
>> I read this and about died laughing. All I could think of was
>> someone designing this software to act like any other liberal
>> online. Write basic html filled with explitives while spouting
>> hateful intolerant garbage, and it has artifical intelligence, just
>> like so many of today's liberals (brainwashed university
>> intellectualism).
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Nathan
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>> A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you
>> from
>> rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze
>> button.
>> Stephen
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> Keith Smith
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Keith Smith
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