Re: How to display multiple images in date sequence by file …

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Author: Brian Cluff
Date: 2015-06-25 00:06 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: How to display multiple images in date sequence by file date?
Try using gwenview (the default image viewer for KDE) and then go to
View -> Sort By -> Date. That will show you thumbnails of all your
images sorted by Date and the fullscreen and slideshow view with all
honor your requested order.

Brian Cluff

PS try holding down CTRL (or clicking the little plus sign in the upper
left corner) while clicking thumbnails in the view area to compare them.
Great feature for selecting pictures after a photo shoot.

On 06/24/2015 03:17 PM, wrote:
> Todd suggested:
>> drop the l in the -lt ... or do it a-like-so:
>> for filename in `ls -lt | awk '{print $NF-2 $NF-1 $NF}'`; do (etc)
> Thanks Todd. I tried your suggestion and it gave the same
> error as Joseph's script. By experimenting, I discovered
> that if I removed the quotation marks around "$filename"
> it worked somewhat.
> However, both scripts put all of the images on top of one
> another.
> So, how can I modify these scripts so the images will
> *not* all be on top of one another but will be separated
> out in some way, perhaps one after another on a line?
> ====================
> Joe originally asked:
> I have a directory/folder that contains several
> dozen image files, all with different file dates.
> How can I create a script that would display the images
> that those files represent (not just list the files)
> in date sequence from newest to oldest?
> ---------------
> Joseph Sinclair first replied (in part):
> for filename in "$(ls -lt)" ; do display-image "$filename" ; done
> replace display-image with your preferred image display tool.
> ---------------
> Joe replied to Joseph: That script is exactly what I wanted,
> but sadly, it didn't work for me. What did I do wrong?
> When I put 7 small images in a folder to try that script,
> I got the result shown here:
> - -
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