Re: OT: (Slightly) Family website solution?

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Author: Lisa Kachold
Date: 2013-04-26 15:17 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: OT: (Slightly) Family website solution?
Setup Concrete5; it's incredibly expandable with all manner of great
features and very easy to use and update.

It requires mysql, php and apache. Very easy to install. Seriously - I
have a couple of sites setup using it: (Hackfest site) (My sister's business)

You can set permissions for public content, private content, guest content,
group content for forums, picture sharing, calenders, and use Google
widgets, mailing lists, and more.

All basic features are free; you can expand with various commercial
offerings including an eCommerce store (for additional $) all with a couple
of clicks from their dashboard.

Set it up and see how much easier than any other CMS this is!

On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 7:55 AM, Eric Cope <> wrote:

> what about Wordpress? Its easy to use, and can be put behind a HTTP
> login...
> Eric
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 10:57 PM, Alan Dayley <> wrote:
>> I'm looking to setup an extended family website. Something like a
>> Facebook-ish (but simpler) site that I control on a shared host. My
>> siblings and their kids could share updates, pages, photos, etc. in a
>> password protected site. Some of them are "not so good" with computers,
>> still, and even more are not comfortable with posting such things to a
>> Facebook group or Google solutions and so on. And I'm not fan of Facebook
>> so I'm willing to create something for our use.
>> A better analogy would be Yammer for a family.
>> What CMS would work well for such a thing? Is there something based on
>> Drupal or another framework that can do this?
>> Alan
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