Re: I'm Attending Defcon this August, advice?

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Author: Lisa Kachold
Date: 2013-04-22 01:02 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: I'm Attending Defcon this August, advice?
Hi Phil,

Here's some demos for your students:

BEef - Browser Exploitation Framework

MetaSploit/Armitage Videos


And of Course AirCrack-Ng

They should be exposed at the very least to those things.

Sure I would setup all manner of fun honeypots for catching them - but what
will you do when you do?

On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Phil Waclawski

> I have an older laptop I was going to reimage, make sure there was no data
> on it I cared about, so if it gets stolen, I'll be annoyed, but that's
> about it. And I have no intentions of doing ANYTHING illegal, I just want
> to learn about what types of attacks are out there, and possibly some
> better ways to help my students defend against web based attacks etc.
> True, so long as I don't log into ANY account, I can still use the
> internet just to browse the web and so on, with the understanding that half
> the hotel will probably know what web sites I visit ;) It is tempting to
> set up a dummy ssh account with a password that I don't care about
> somewhere and see if it gets hacked.
> Phil W.
> On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 10:23 AM, Lisa Kachold <>wrote:
>> Great post Bob! If you are going - do it right! Of course be aware
>> while joining the fun of where you break the law; a great deal of
>> surveillance occurs from which you could glean a Homeland Security tail for
>> a good long time.
>> On 21 Apr 2013 08:58, "Bob Elzer" <> wrote:
>>> There's no reason you can't bring your laptop, just do the steps
>>> Backup your disk or remove it
>>> Put in a new disk or erase your current !!! If you backed it up !!!
>>> Install a fresh copy of your favorite installation or even backtrack
>>> Don't connect to your home or work networks
>>> Don't put any of your real info on the computer
>>> Go to Defcon, have fun, let them hack away
>>> Remember to not use any of your real personal sites or accounts
>>> When you're done, wipe everything
>>> Put your original disk back in, or restore
>>> Then you can tell us all about your trip
>>> The only thing you would have to worry about, is someone stealing the
>>> laptop
>>> On Apr 19, 2013 11:52 PM, "Phil Waclawski" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Well, I'm attending it in the hopes of learning about how some of these
>>>> attacks work, and how to defend against them. Helps me teach my students
>>>> better practices (and myself as well).
>>>> To be honest, I had planned on having an old laptop with a brand new
>>>> kubuntu install on it (no data I care about) and just doing some blender
>>>> work and note taking offline, and never connecting it to a network while at
>>>> the convention.
>>>> However, I'm curious, if I set up an ssh tunnel to a server I've
>>>> already established a Key system with, wouldn't ssh throw up a huge warning
>>>> from a man in the middle attack not having the right "handshake"? At that
>>>> point I'd only be hosed if I was dumb enough to say "connect anyway"?.
>>>> Phil W.
>>>> On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 10:30 PM, der.hans <> wrote:
>>>>> Am 19. Apr, 2013 schwätzte Alan Dayley so:
>>>>> moin moin Alan,
>>>>> Why in the world would anyone actually attend a conference where you
>>>>>> KNOW
>>>>>> people are going to attack your electronics and data? Erasing
>>>>>> everyone's
>>>>> It's in the city where people pay to let someone steal from them, so it
>>>>> fits the theme.
>>>>> video-the-art-of-**pickpocketing.html<>
>>>>> credit cards? For the lulz, I guess. It sounds like a bunch of very
>>>>>> smart
>>>>>> trolls getting together to see who can out-troll who. I would just
>>>>>> be collateral damage in such a group. I guess it's an effective way
>>>>>> to keep
>>>>>> the non-trolls and newbies out of the "defcon club." Or maybe it is a
>>>>>> from
>>>>>> of hazing.
>>>>>> And, if I HAD to go, cash, pen and paper is all I would bring.
>>>>> Make sure to keep them somewhere safe ;-).
>>>>> ciao,
>>>>> der.hans
>>>>> --
>>>>> #**Classes/<>
>>>>> #  Like the maid, I don't do (M$)Windows. - der.hans
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