Re: CentOS Install Question

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Author: der.hans
Date: 2013-02-06 16:59 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: CentOS Install Question
Am 06. Feb, 2013 schwätzte Eric Cope so:

moin moin,

> I was trying to install CentOS on a fairly old laptop (IBM A31 for the
> history buffs) via the net install process. I was following these
> directions:
> But, it never gets to step 3.19. It seems to just install a very small
> basic package. Any ideas?

It skips customize package selection and goes straight to starting the
installation? If so, you end up with an installed system?

If you have an installed system you can just start installing packages as
you'd like. The packages listed in step 3.19 are group packages in
RHEL/CentOS speak.

yum grouplist

I believe that's the command to list them out. It might be 'yum group

Look at the yum man page and search for group ( /group ) to find out more
about package groups.

man yum

When installing, quote the group package names and I think they're case
sensitive. For instance,

yum groupinstall 'Web Server'

I'm not certain if 3.19 is showing you the actual names, so what you find
might not match what you see on that page.


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