Re: command line question

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Author: Paul Mooring
Date: 2013-01-30 00:13 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: command line question
I did not know '&>' was a thing, thanks Kevin and Hans!
Paul Mooring
Systems Engineer and Customer Advocate

On 1/29/13 4:18 PM, "der.hans" <> wrote:

>Am 29. Jan, 2013 schwätzte Kevin Fries so:
>moin moin Kevin,
>> I am surprised nobody gave this answer, at least as far as I saw:
>> $ /path/to/command &> /dev/null
>A couple of us did, except we spelled it correctly :)
>'&>/dev/null' is a bashism for '>/dev/null 2>&1'. There's nothing wrong
>with it for bash scripting, but I find the latter to be easier to read,
>far more common and more portable, so that's what I use for teaching and
>giving answers on mailing lists.
>In a bash only environment, either is fine, but when working with other
>Bourne shell derivatives your syntax might not work. It might work in
>zsh, but I'm pretty certain it isn't allowed in POSIX shell or ksh and it
>definitely isn't in the original Bourne shell.
>A really cool feature of a good toolset is there is more than one way to
>do it :).
>> Kevin
>> On Jan 29, 2013 3:27 PM, "Matt Graham" <> wrote:
>>> From:
>>>> I still can't get either to work.
>>>> James: gwenview filename.jpg > /dev/null 2>&1 &
>>>> Hans: gwenview filename.jpg 2>/dev/null &
>>>> Both examples work to cause gwenview to open filename.jpg without
>>>> any error messages. However, when I close the terminal window,
>>>> gwenview also closes. What am I doing wrong?
>>> To stop a process from dying when its parent tty dies, you probably
>>> nohup. "nohup gwenview filename.jpg > /dev/null 2>&1 &" . The
>>> xterm/konsole
>>> will still be there, though you can then manually close it.
>>> If this approach *did* automagically close the xterm, it'd be
>>> equivalent to just starting gwenview from the mini-commandline....
>>> --
>>> Matt G / Dances With Crows
>>> The Crow202 Blog:
>>> There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
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