Re: OT: LUGs dying out

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Author: Mike Schwartz
To: Main PLUG discussion list
CC: der.hans, Dennis Kibbe \(FSF\), Josef Lowder, Dennis Kibbe, Alan Dayley, Mike L Schwartz
New-Topics: Promoting PLUG [WAS: Re: OT: LUGs dying out]
Subject: Re: OT: LUGs dying out
On 7/23/07, Josef Lowder <> wrote:
> .
> On Mon, 23 Jul 2007, Alan Dayley wrote
> > PLUG is as viable and useful as we PLUGgers make it.
> > PLUG meeting attendance, in my view, has been at a plateau for
> > several years now. There is a core group that "mostly always"
> > attends a given meeting with a few new people each month that
> > usually don't come again. I wish there was a way to make the
> > meetings more attended.
> While I am more sporadic than regular in attending the East
> side meeting, I am usually glad that I attended whenever I have.
> There is something comforting about just knowing that the meetings
> are there and available, and seeing familiar faces there. I must
> admit that I kind of like the small group "feel," though I agree
> that it would be great if the attendance could be increased. I'm
> kind of on both sides of that consideration. ;))
> There are several things that I believe might be helpful to
> encourage more attendance and repeat attendance by newcomers.
> #1. Whatever happened to the idea of printing some PLUG brochures?
> I recently saw an ad for offering 5,000
> flyers printed in full color on both sides for $99. Seems like
> that should be do-able. I'd be willing to chip in something to
> get something like that, and I'm sure others would as well.
> I'm sure we could find some good places to distribute them and
> we could all have some available to give away.
> #2. I wish that everybody would wear a name tag at the meetings.
> Perhaps with name and favorite distros on the tags. I am still
> unable to connect a name with a face on many of the group, both
> regulars and visitors.
> #3. As well as the "presentations" (which are always great to
> have), why not create a little spontaneous "show and tell" segment
> in each meeting to invite and encourage two or three plug members
> at each meeting to share a little something that they have learned or
> found helpful recently (strictly voluntary, of course - no pressure!)
> #4. Then how about starting a little "directory" of short plug
> member "bios" (with photos) on the plug website? That way every
> new person could get better acquainted with regulars and in that
> way feel more a part of the group and would thus be more inclined
> to keep coming back.
> #5. How about having a little questions/comments/feedback form
> available at the meetings so everyone could have an opportunity
> to express whatever might be on their mind, and one of the meeting
> hosts/coordinators/moderators could look through those during the
> meeting and perhaps respond.
> > I always find them valuable and even occasionally "seminar" quality
> > in their content and presentation. Others obviously don't feel that
> way.
> I think most people would agree that the meetings usually do have
> some worthwhile value and sometimes are even of near-seminar quality.
> > Think about it. Here we have a metro-area of millions with easily tens
> > of thousands working with or using Linux/FS/OSS every day. And total
> > monthly attendance to all PLUG meetings (just add up the number of
> > people at each meeting) is about 60-70? Does anyone else think that
> > is low?
> This is an excellent point. I'll bet there are hundreds of Linux
> enthusiasts and potential Linux users who would be very interested
> in attending the meetings and becoming part of PLUG if they only
> knew about it. Just getting some distribution on a PLUG brochure
> should be a good way to get the word out.
> Has the steering committee ever considered putting a sandwich board
> out on the street whenever and wherever a PLUG meeting is in progress?
> Who knows, we might even get some drop-in visitors. The sign could
> just say "LINUX meeting -- 7-9 pm tonight -- stop in anytime."
> > But, then, many are not "meeting people" so, we do what the group wants
> > to do. And we will continue to have meetings, if I have any say in the
> > matter. If for no other reason than my own selfish enjoyment of them.
> I think the meetings will continue to be valuable forever ...
> > Our email lists are the very best!
> I totally agree and am very thankful for them.
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> [...] ad for offering 5,000
> flyers printed in full color on both sides for $99. Seems like
> that should be do-able. I'd be willing to chip in something to
> get something like that, [...]

Here is the URL for that:
I think you only get that price ( $99) if the flyers are very small.
The web page (see above link) says 3 by 4, and I think that means inches.
For 4 by 6 it is more like $169.00 ... and I am not sure about 8.5 by 11.
OTOH, we might be able to get by with one-sided,
(vs. "printed in full color on both sides")

> I'd be willing to chip in something to [...]

It is also possible that some funding might be forthcoming
(either for SW Freedom Day, or for some other worthy PLUG causes)
from a source like the Phoenix Chapter ACM.
It has a bank account, but almost no members (except for me),
and very few activities. (lately).
Talk about "dying out"... LUGs are alive and well,
compared to the Phoenix Chapter ACM.
[well, some LUGs at least... like PLUG].
Mike Schwartz
Glendale AZ

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