On 6/22/05, Josef Lowder <
joe@actionline.com> wrote:
> I use both Konqueror and Firefox and Kmail as my email client.
> Of course Kmail automatically works with Konqueror whenever I click
> on an email link. But when I click on an email link with Firefox, I get
> an "Alert" message that reads: "mailto is not a registered protocol."
> How can I fix Firefox so it will also call the Kmail email client?
Joseph, try this:
--Close Firefox
--edit your ~/.mozilla/firefox/default.***/prefs.js
--Add this line at the bottom (replace the proper path/filename of your
kmail executable):
--make sure the file ends with a carriage-return/line-feed and save it.
--Start Firefox and test
This is how I set Thunderbird as my default email flient from within
Firefox. Hope it works for you.
"Sarcasm is the safe alternative to expressing anger."
--Richard North Patterson