On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 22:58 -0700, Kevin wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 22:43 -0700, Craig White wrote:
> > I now have in my tried and failed...
> >
> > # if [ "START" == ${i:5:5} ]
> > # if [ `echo $i | awk '{print substr($i,5,5)}'` = "START" ]
> > # if [ `expr substr $i 5 5` == "START" ]
> As a test, try echoing ${$i:5:5} directly inside the 'do' structure
> without any "if" conditionals. Make sure it shows what you expect
> ("START").
actually I have and had confusing results but I did even better than
I did...
for i in `cat $infile`; do echo "$i"; done; exit
and the stupid sucker is gagging on the "*" in the $infile - it has
nothing to do with the conditionals whatsoever
Evidently when it assigns the line "**** START OF ..." it actually tries
to execute the first 4 files it finds in the directory - $#!%
I think I should clean pools for a living
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