On Mon, 2005-02-14 at 11:37 -0700, June Tate wrote:
>On Mon, 2005-02-14 at 11:27 -0700, Don Calfa wrote:
>>I've been a long user of nslookup and even though it's been deprecated
>>in favor of dig, I still use it because I know it. Well I forced myself
>>to use dig and I like it better except for one thing.
>>How can I get a dump of the domain?
>Actually, it's pretty easy. Just do something like this:
> foo:~$ dig ALL theonelab.com
Come to think of it, you should s/ALL/ANY/ on the above line so it
should read:
foo:~$ dig ANY theonelab.com
Sorry about that -- got my wires crossed for a bit. =op
June Tate *
http://www.theonelab.com *