Kevin wrote:
>On Tue, 2004-11-30 at 09:17, Mark Phillips wrote:
>>mark@latitude610:~$ cat /etc/hosts
>Looks good.
>>mark@latitude610:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
>Looks good.
>>I will check the sites that cause the problem.....I have to wait for it
>>to happen!
>Whoa. Maybe I missed this in your initial post, but I thought this was
>happening consistently. If it comes and goes, that might indicate
>upstream DNS poisoning. If/when you see it again, try changing the
>nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf to something off the Cox network. Just
>a thought.
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I've never encountered spyware or viruses that affect Linux at all.
This could be a dns injection issue where cox's name server has been
There used to be exploit's in bind that would allow people to change the
memory cached dns records.
Since you're running Linux you could always run your own dns server.
Back when I had @home I switched to my own dns server and it made a huge
difference (@home's dns was really slow).
JD Austin
Twin Geckos Technology Services LLC
phone/fax: 480.344.2640
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