On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 09:38, Anthony Boynes wrote:
> --- Bart Garst <bartgarst@cox.net> wrote:
> > Now, I'm off to do my system upgrades (Debian Sarge), 133 packages to be
> > upgraded over the last couple weeks, (kinda puts the hundreds of patches
> > quote into perspective).
> >
> > Bart
> >
> Debian Sarge is still a designated testing release. How many of those are
> actually security fixes? How many security updates have been issued for
> Debian stable recently?
> Maybe MS should follow Debian's model of stable, testing, unstable, etc.
> ;)
you should send them your suggestion ;-)
Obviously updates - for security or maintenance issues are part of every
I thought the more important issue was the statement by Balmer a week or
so ago that security updates for IE were only going to happen for WinXP
- SP2 versions - pretty much obsoleting any other version of Windows. I
expected to hear a lot of repercussions on that issue but it remains a
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