On Thu, Apr 15, 2004 at 05:44:55AM +0800, Jim Smith wrote:
> I need to know if the Squid deb package is built with the following options:
If you have the proper deb-src lines defined in /etc/apt/sources.list
(if you don't have them, copy the deb lines and change the initial "deb"
to "deb-src") and if there's no way to see from the program itself (like
running "apache -V", for example), you can "apt-get source $package"
and then examine $package-$version/debian/rules and look at the
configure line there.
(Alternatively, if you know what you're doing, you can get just the
.diff.gz from one of the Debian mirrors and look at it directly, which
will save the time and bandwidth to download the entire source package.)
Bill Jonas * bill@billjonas.com * http://www.billjonas.com/
"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your front door. You step
into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing
where you might be swept off to." -- Bilbo Baggins