Author: KevinO Date: Subject: Insert date question
tickticker wrote: > Most excellent, Thanks to those who responded. The problem I had had, and you
> all pointed it out in a round about way, was to call the date command in the
> cp command. I see it is now simply called in the `` marks, with the switches
> betwixt a couple single quote marks. I'll assume the '<command>` can be used
> in this fashion for the most part with most commands of this sort, much like
> the | or piping of commands is.
Sorta... The options (switches) don't normally go inside single quotes. The
date command is using this string for formatting information.
$ date '+%b-%d-%Y-%T'
See the man page for more information.
$ date -I
gives you the format you wanted,
$ cp Update Update_`date -I`
would work.
The O'Reilly book, Learning Bash is a good one.
Thurman teaches a beginning Unix class most semesters at SCC, and he covers a
lot of this stuff.
- --
A great writer named Neal Stephenson said that America does four things
better than any other country in the world: rock music, movies, software
and high-speed pizza delivery. All of these are sacred American art forms.
Let's return to our purity and our idealism while we have this shot.
- - Courtney Love