der.hans said:
>> What I want to do is build a .deb that isn't in any apt-get repository
>> that I can find. In particular, I'm looking for Pango 1.3.2. Now,
>> I've
> I see pango 1.0, but not 1.3.2.
I am showing both testing and unstable as having 1.2 not 1.0. I belive
1.3 would be an "expiremental" release. Likely they won't package until
it becomes 1.4? I searched which usually has some
good stuff from maintainers, but it doesn't appear any maintainer has
packaged this goodness yet.
I looked at the bugs filed against the package and none of them include a
request for newer version. I would consider making a bug submittal asking
for upgraded packaging based on new upstream release. Akira is a decent
maintainer and if he agrees likely will turn it fairly quickly.
>> downloaded the source, and there isn't a debian directory in it, so
>> what do I do? Is there a way that I can do a 'configure;make;make
>> install' that will make dependencies happy? Can I pull the debian
>> directory out of an earlier version of Pango? What should I do to get
>> this package into my system?
> Add a source repository to your sources.list if you don't already have
> one. I suggest getting source from unstable.
> Snake the debian directory out of there and stuff it into the source you
> have for 1.3.2.
> BTW, it's really easy to install inkscape on debian :).
You can drop in #gnuenterprise at at your leisure. Talk
to jbailey, he is a packaging wizard. Many of the new packages follow a
format so by as it's as easy as dropping a new tarball down and running a
deb program and it rebuilds the package. Slick as snot actually. :)
However, since he packages the stuff I need, I haven't taken the time to
investigate thoroughly.