On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 00:06, Richard L. Proctor wrote:
> On Wednesday 07 January 2004 5:50 pm, Craig White wrote:
> > I can appreciate that you have an opinion and I will accept that it's
> > valid.
> >
> > I am always troubled by the switch distro answer to someone who is
> > struggling because it really offers no help, at least not with any
> > certainty that it will do a better job than what he is using.
> >
> > Craig
> Well mostly because he's using Redhat 8.0 which is outdated obviously by 9.0
> and which is now an abandoned project.
>actually RH 9 (there never was a 9.0) is still supported - >so is 8.0 but
>not by Red Hat and thus certainly 9 and possibly 8.0 are >not 'abandoned'
>- your term. Both have been replaced by Fedora-fc1 and I'm >gathering fc2
>is RSN.
>Your suggestion to Victor to switch to SuSE 9.0 helps him >how?
>The point that I apparently am never gonna make with you, >but perhaps
>might resonate with someone, somewhere is that someone >complaining that
>they are having problems with something is not going to >benefit from 10
>people telling him that THEIR DISTRO is better.
>I'm sure that SuSE is a good distro, it looked pretty good >the last time
>that I played with it. Judging from the number of comments >/ discussions
>here though - at this moment, there are likely to be far >more people
>capable of answering Debian questions than Red Hat >questions and far
>more people capable of answering Red Hat questions than >SuSE questions
>and in the end, what he really asked for was help with >resolving his
Of course, he is free to take your advice and wipe it all >out and start
>anew with SuSE (actually, I think 9.1 is just about out the >door) and
>judging from the fact that I see you offering little >assistance to the
>support questions asked around here, it would seem to me >that if he runs
>into problems with SuSE, the local Phoenix pool of help >might be a bit
I have to disagree. When I first started I was running redhat 8 on a laptop and was having tons of problems. I knew nothing about Linux or computers in general. Richard spent hours and I mean hours with me on the phone walking me through problems when we finally figured that Redhat wasn't going to cut it he offered me a copy of Suse 8.0 Pro then spent hours helping me again. That Winmodem was a bitch but he got it working. Then I switched to Cox he helped me set up my ethernet card and my lan (including my roomates Win98 boxen). If it wasn't for him I would have given up on linux along time ago and yes switching from Redhat to Suse did solve my problems.
Just my 2 cents