Am 09. Dec, 2003 schw=E4tzte Derek Neighbors so:
> The FSF did moderately okay with their first compromise. They have
It seemed to me that they were trying to brush the incident under the rug.
They did claim to go through significant work to clean up the mess, but
there wasn't much publicity to let people know there'd been a problem.
> MASSIVELY dropped the ball on this latest one. The outage time incurred
> is simply unacceptable.
Outage sucks, but it can take time to recover from a break in, especially
for a volunteer organization, especially for one that's had multiple break
I'm more concerned that neither security breach made their main news sectio=
and they don't seem to have tried to get the word out via /. or other
organizations. /. ended up covering it both times, but it wasn't GNU/FSF
announcing the breakins.
# Help Jerry Lewis stamp out M$...oops that's MDA - der.hans