On Sat, Nov 22, 2003 at 12:45:12PM -0700, Michael Havens wrote:
/_Yep, I'm still doing it. Is there much of a market for newbie tech people?
/_What classes would you recommend I do? Which school do you recommend? I can
/_choose between the East valley variety. MCC is only 3 miles due West but this
/_present semester I am driving to Gateway.
Aside from some of the technical classes you may want to attend,
I would strongly suggest a business classs.
Just because something is technically possible, does not neccessarily
mean deploying it is a good business decision. Learn good business practices.
Take a basic accounting class: Why? More often than not, smaller firms
often have the "IT guy" report to the CFO. Learn what is important to
him and you will do well.
How about a writing class? I always wished I would have taken just one
more writing or speaking class. You may know the coorect technical thing to do,
but can you communicate that need/request with the folks the pull the trigger
and write checks?
It's not just about knowing your job, it's knowing how to speed
and automate everyone elses.