Art wrote:
> der.hans wrote:
>> moin, moin,
>> does Mozilla cache DNS entries?
>> If so, how does one disable that or at least clear the cache.
>> ciao,
>> der.hans
> Hans;
> I found out how to turn off dns in Mozilla;
> In /root/mozilla/default/(your .slt)/prefs.js add a line;(from
> instructions at
> network.dnsCacheExpiration Number of seconds to hold a dns host
> entity lookup in the dns cache. If zero, the dns cache is turned off. 0
> Actual line in prefs.js will be;
> user_pref("network.dnsCacheExperation", 0);
> If you want you can cut&paste from above.
> Art
One thing I forgot. mozilla must be shutdown when the prefs file is modified.
Mozilla writes the in Memory values back to the prefs file on exit so your changes will be
lost if the file is modified while mozilla is running.