Am 04. Nov, 2003 schw=E4tzte Vaughn Treude so:
> The subject line says it all. I've been googling all over the place and
> can't find the answer to this one. Thanks!
> Vaughn Treude
> Nakota Software, Inc.
> P.S. I might as well come clean about this. :-) I'm trying to configure=
> new Lindows installation, and although I've added a non-root user, I can'=
> figure out a way to get their stupid login screen to prompt for this non-=
> user instead of root. Since it's supposedly based on Debian I'm hoping I=
> use the standard Debian config file - wherever it is!
I actually see this as a feature as I don't like advertising to external
sources what account names I have.
I also think people should know what their login ID is. Click interfaces fo=
logging in should only be for people under 3 years old :).
Look at the /etc/passwd entry for your new user. Does it have a shell? If
not, change the default shell to be /bin/bash and see if that fixes the
issue for you.
BTW, I had no idea what you were talking about until the PS. I thought you
meant something like having tetris running while waiting for someone to
login, or being able to specify the screen saver for non-logins.
# Practice socially consious hedonism. Do whatever you want,
# as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. - der.hans