Author: Derek Neighbors Date: Subject: X-windows font size...
Ren wrote: | I am using debian, and windowmaker. I have been able to adjust the
| sizes of most of my fonts, but a few things are baffling me. Programs
| such as mozilla, and x-chat have menus and dialog boxes with fonts quite
| a bit larger then i'd like... I am not sure where I would go to edit
| these fonts. I've been all over the config for window maker and I'm not
| seeking any options that affect this.. any gurus have any advice?
Sigh... Looks like the plug list archives are *jacked*. Recently
similar questions came up and answers were provided. In a nutshell this
isn't a windowmaker thing. It is a gnome thing. Since you are not
running gnome, the gnome2 applications are defaulting. They are
defaulting to a font not suitable to you.
There are generally two ways to fix this...
1. In your XF86Config-4 file, comment out the fontserver line, it is
evil anyhow. :) Then put 75dpi fonts before 100dpi fonts if you think
the fonts are too big or put 100dpi fonts before 75dpi fonts if you
think they are too small.
2. Create a file called .gtkrc-2.0 in your home directory (if it doesn't
exist). Then add a line similar to
gtk-font-name = "Nimbus Sans 12"
Where Nimbus Sans could be Arial or Times New Roman or whatever you like
for a font and 12 is whatever "size" you want the font to be. Then
restart your gtk2 applications like mozilla and xchat.
Let me know if that doesnt help. I generally always do #1, but it
certainly isn't necessary, doing number 2 should fix your problem.
*note* my loathing for font servers runs deep and I need professional
help. ;) So please don't bother emailing to tell me that I am silly for
doing number 1 and how great font servers are. ;)