We are looking for a part-time Systems Administrator (RHCE) to
maintain our co-located servers at AT&T on University Drive. We are
presently running BSDi and are in the process of converting to Red
Hat Linux OS.
Ideal Candidate will:
1. Back-up our Systems Administrator to help with the conversion to
Red Hat AS and Professional.
2. Prepare a short, but concise manual describing our system
architecture, policies, procedures, etc.,
3. Routinely upgrade software, security patches, make DNS virtual
host entries, and respond to third party vulnerability assessment
4. Possess good communication skills with the ability and patience to
explain technical issues to a lay person.
Please email, fax or send your confidential resume.
You can visit our website at
http://www.theformsgroup.com for
information about our company.
Ira H. Aurit
President & CEO - BankSITE Services
A Division of The Forms Group
7418 E. Helm Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone 602.867.2330 Fax 602.867.1854
"Service is our Premier Product"