PLUG-discuss digest, Vol 1 #3944 - 12 msgs

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Author: George Gambill
Subject: PLUG-discuss digest, Vol 1 #3944 - 12 msgs

I'm not sure I understand the difference between a demonstration and a
presentation. For the sake of starting the discussion, let me provide a
(seed) description and maybe folks will join in to refine it.

Presentation: Normally one on many (one instructor and many students)
normally taking place in a room dedicated (for the time) to the presentation
and with such things as overhead (or electronic projectors - don't know what
to call them) projectors etc..

Demonstration: Normally one (instructor/demonstrator) to few (as many as can
look over the demonstrators shoulder) students and normally presented in a
room with much other activities going on.

With the idea that these are different approaches to conveying knowledge, I
will (till told otherwise) show a Presentation section and a demonstration
section in the InstallFest Status Report.


-----Original Message-----
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 13:09:45 -0700 (MST)
From: "der.hans" <>
Subject: IF demos/presentations
moin, moin,

hmm, the sig that popped up for this is most appropriate :).

Here's a list of some demos/presentations we might want to have for the
InstallFest ( in no particular order ): demo compatability stuff, demo on GNU/Linux and m$
the GIMP: demo on GNU/Linux and m$
desktop: KDE and/or GNOME
GNUe: we've got 20 experts now :)
useful things:
    ripping CDs, photo albums, 'my <datatype>', viewing faxes
What is Free Software?
Free Software development in
    GNUe, KDE, GNOME, familiar, kernel, Sodi-Podi, GDB, ...
Got it installed, now what?:
    a guide to putting the box on the air at home ( cable/dsl/phone
setup, etc. )
    where to find assistance
    how to find out what's installed
Knoppix for Kids/debian jr.
security updates: should also be covered in the 'where now?' presentation

Please send in suggestions and/or volunteer to do these demos/presentations.

Note: all m$ installs must have appropriate licenses for the prop software.
Actually, all proprietary software we use at the InstallFest must be
appropriately licensed.

I think we should have a demo schedule, with 10 or 15 minute demos followed
by time for the viewers to play and ask questions. LTSP should have
whatever's necessary for people to play with demod stuff.


#  Knowledge is useless unless it's shared. - der.hans


Message: 10
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 13:15:16 -0700 (MST)
From: "der.hans" <>
Subject: Re: InstallFest decisions

Am 12. Sep, 2003 schw=E4tzte so:

> I have not used synaptic much. Kpackage is much prettier. If anyone debia=

n is
> going to be the distro of choice then someone should remaster a Knoppix d=

> in full
> unstable so that the issue is not pressent. If someone is setting up a se=

> or what for then they would probaly not want all the bagage that comes wi=

> knoppix so they would want to use a bare bones debian install disk.
> Debian unstabe is fine for (IMHO) for anything other than a server. Unsta=

> just means somewhat new version. Gnome on stable is ugly/slow while unsta=

> is faster (IMHO) and much prettier.

I think testing and unstable are inappropriate for an InstallFest ( there
will be some exceptions as we get people who are computer literate, but jus=
have problems getting GNU/Linux up and running ).

There are rumors that GNOME 2.4 will be backported to woody.

Generally, I think it would be fine to use backports.

If sarge is truly frozen before the InstallFest and getting ready for
release, then I would review my opinion about using testing.


#  The Internet is the front line of the battle
#  to protect our freedom. -- Nathaniel Borenstein


Message: 11
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 13:31:17 -0700 (MST)
From: "der.hans" <>
Subject: Re: PLUG preferred newbie distro? (Was: Re: InstallFest decisions)

Am 12. Sep, 2003 schw=E4tzte Derek Neighbors so:

> Alan Dayley wrote:
> | There are two, well, three decision points here.
> |
> | 1-Do we really want a preferred distro?
> I think it's a good thing, but maybe not a PLUG thing. Maybe this
> becomes an AZOTO issue.

It's a question for both groups. They might come up with different answers
as to whether or not one is needed and might come up with different answers
to which one to use :).

> | 2-If so, which distro?
> That is to be decided if (1) is decided. I think the only two worth
> really considering are Debian and Red Hat. I will list briefly my
> problems with other distros (for this purpose)...
> Mandrake - The company is on shakey ground. We want to make sure we are
> suggesting something that is strong in the market place (community)
> SuSE/Lindows - Too much non-free stuff. (Don't sufficiently value
> Freedom) **note SuSE is a great distro please no flames
> Xandros/Lycoris/Etc - Not enough peneration for support outside the LUG
> Gentoo - Compiling is not user friendly
> *BSD - Non-GPL kernel (no flames please thats another thread) **note
> there are several GREAT BSD distro's, if you haven't tried one you should

We can still help with each of those upon request. One of the *BSDs might b=
the appropriate thing to use for the 'firewall in a box' solution. I,
personally, think it should still be GNU/Linux-based just to consolodate
info needed to run the system.

> | 3-And thereafter, which desktop?
> |
> | (Maybe the 3 falls out of 2 since most distros have a default or
> | preferred desktop already.)
> I think 3 is less important. I would say use the default desktop of the
> distro, but install others so people have ability to "play" if they so
> desire.

At this point I agree that that's probably the best solution for desktops.

> | If someone buys into 1, they must do so understanding that their
> | personally preferred distro may not be picked at 2. ie. no sour grapes
> | at 2 if you agreed to 1.

We need to determine what capabilities/features are important, then I think
it will be easier get people to buy into whatever gets chosen due to being
able to see the technical merit for the distro of choice.

> Absolutely. I have stated even if it's not Debian (my choice) we still
> need it. The only choices I could not tolerate would be one's that
> infringe grossly on freedom (like say Lindows)
> | On the other hand (and to throw more fuel on the debate), does the
> | entire group need to decide this? Other groups have a designated

Like most things in life, it'll be decided by those who participate, which
generally is a subgroup.

> No not necessarily, but it's interesting to hear feedback here, from
> newbies and non newbies a like.

We definitely need feedback from people new to using GNU/Linux. They're our
primary customers for InstallFest-like activities :).

> | support coordinator who leads a group of voluteers on support issues.
> | That sub-group could decide on the preference based on their own reason=

> | (see Maybe this is something better
> | under the direct supervision of AZOTO and PLUG just follows what the
> | AZOTO support group decides. AZOTO could accept $ donations for timely
> | assistance. PLUG has no structure or mechanism for donations.

I like that. It does sound like something that would be more appropriate fo=
AZOTO to run.

> Since PLUG has no "structure" to make decisions, short of a steering
> committee, it makes a certain amount of sense to maybe make it an AZOTO
> thing. It will be nice once AZOTO is sufficiently organized enough to
> do membership and get the members involved. :)

The 'default distro' question is something both groups need to decide on
their own. I expect decisions by one on this topic to influence decisions b=
the other. I also expect AZOTO will vote a resounding 'debian' or 'Knoppix'=
depending on whether or not there's a good 'Knoppix as a distro' path.


#  Keine Ahnung, was ich dir sagen soll,
#  keine Ahnung und keinen (.)plan. -- die Toten Hosen


Message: 12
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 13:39:01 +0200
From: Rob Wultsch <>
Subject: Re: InstallFest decisions

der.hans wrote:

> I think testing and unstable are inappropriate for an InstallFest ( there
> will be some exceptions as we get people who are computer literate, but

> have problems getting GNU/Linux up and running ).

Exception IMHO should be made for everyone for office applications, I
think that those in stable are rather long in the tooth.

From what I have read about Gnome 2.4 on slashdot it sounds buggy at
this point.

IMHO unstable is far more stable and bug free than any Windows
enviroment, though there are a very fews issues. For servers itwould
also have security issues that computers maintainer would have to deal
with. But for desktops I think that stable is inappropriate as most of
the software is rather dated.

Unstable is lets face it about the same as the current versions of most
other distros. The unstable version of the desktops show amazing
progress, and I think it would puta bad face on linuxshowing off the
rather old software.

I agree that testing is inappropriate in all respects for an Install-Fest.
(everything of course IMHO)
=------------------------------   /v\  ----------------------------=
Robert Wultsch                   // \\        
Linux User                      /(   )\              AIM:sheepsleep7
Don't fear the penguins          ^^-^^                  (602)6927564


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