der.hans wrote:
> Am 13. Sep, 2003 schwätzte Rob Wultsch so:
>>As for xbox installs there are a couple of ways to do it, but many
>>involve already having cracked xbox to load cracked saved gamefile on a
>>memory card. Forthis method you need both a memory card (10+ bucks) and
>>either of two games (30+?). Otherwise there is
>> which would
>>require someone to have a desktop with Windows 2000 (and .net) or XP
>>with (SP1 (supposedly, I could not get one to work) or .net). I am sure
>>that someone already has (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) the contriversian
>>software so that should not be an issue, but I do not have desktop with
>>a ms OS on it.
> Is all of this technically legal? I know m$ gets pissed about it, but what
> they want isn't exactly a concern of mine. If there are actual legal issues,
> though, we need to be cautious. Vaporware and extortion lawsuits are not
> true legal issues, IMHO.
My understanding is that the only lawsuit have been filed against
companies that sold mod chip's preflashed with a hacked version of the
ms bios and those that pirate games.
It should be legal to perform the Bert is lieing to Ernie hack and
install Evox "dashboard" (sort of the os and gui) from which linux can
be installed (but without the Evox bios which is a hack of the ms bios).
If a person needed to flash their bios in the future they would need
to find the bios themselves and ftp it over to the xbox hd as well as
soddering 2 points (easy).
=------------------------------ /v\ ----------------------------=
Robert Wultsch // \\
Linux User /( )\ AIM:sheepsleep7
Don't fear the penguins ^^-^^ (602)6927564