----- Original Message -----
From: <
To: <
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 11:25 AM
Subject: Updating web server (apache) in a DMZ
> What is the best way to update a web server securely in a DMZ?
Loaded question. As 10 sysadmins, you'll get 10 "best" answers. ;-)
> I think this could be done throught iptables/host.allow/hosts.deny to only
allow a particular host to talk to that webserver.
I would use iptables.
> Does anyone have any insight on the best way to keep a webserver secure in
a DMZ while still being able to easily
> update it? Would a staging server running apache be good as the allowed
host, so on this staging server it would
> be tested one last time and then sent on to the live server?
That's exactly how I do it for one of my clients. We use rsync over ssh:
rsync -e ssh --delete -uvr stagingserver:/path/to/files
> Would a recieve only cable be a good idea so the server on a seperate nic
would have a cable where it could recieve only recieve the updated files
and then implement them?
> Does anyone know a good place to buy or intructions on making a recieve
only cable?
No clue - never heard of such a thing.