der.hans wrote:
|moin, moin,
|just a reminder that the GNU Enterprise workshop is tomorrow.
Just wanted to drop a thank you to all those from PLUG that supported
the event by attending. Also, want to publicly thank AZOTO, Elite PC,
Alan Dayley and der.Hans for making it all possible. I hope this is
just the first in a long line of GNU/Linux training events to be
hosted at no/low cost to PLUG members.
I know AZOTO is working with Elite PC and building a training staff to
make it happen. I know in the past there has been talk about what
people are looking for. So I am curious. What kind of classes would
people attend OpenOffice, Postgres, MySQL, PHP, Python, GNUCash, KDE
Desktop, GNOME Desktop...? What would be a value price point? $100 a
class? $50 a class? $25 a class?
- -Derek