I just got what I had thought was a more or less nice access point
(linksys befw11s4) but it hates me. Well, I suspose it's more along
the lines of taunting me.
I know it works because I can get to the outside (with difficulty, but
it's a firewall issue that I'm not going to argue with at the moment)
on a wireless connection. So I've at least got it partly
The problem is that the happy user guide says 'type in and have configuration goodness'. Well, thereby
hangs the tail. When booted to linux, it just will *not* see that
address from a browser. Talking to it by hand via the lowest common
demoniator broser (telnet) gives similar results. nmap says '80/tcp
open http'. Ping is happy. iptables are wide open.
In desparation, I went to the dark side... whamo! it worked.
I feel unclean.
If it had been doing NTLM or something I could have said, ok, that's
the reason, as much as I would dislike it. But even the bloody faq
says that linux will work to configure it b/c it's a pure web app.
Anybody got a bar of soap (aka clue) to scrub the windows crud offa
firmware 1.45.1, June 2003 (newer than released on website afaict).
<Faydakin> I'm gonna start using tar for preserving data
<Faydakin> just like the dinosaurs