See this article in the AZ Republic today?
Among ASU and others that were hit hard was Maricopa County. Quoting from near the end of the article:
"'Red alert' in county
The virus has pushed Maricopa County into "red alert" status. In all, more than 260 computers were infected in the county's system, which includes more than 10,000 personal computers.
Paul Allsing, the county's deputy chief information officer, describes the infection as mostly a waste of time.
"It's taken us three full days to get this contained, which is the worst virus experience we've had," Allsing said. "It's been a significant consumption of county resources in terms of time."
Allsing said residents shouldn't see a slowdown in customer service, although e-mails sent to the county may have been delayed. "
[sarcasm on]
I'm so glad they signed up for several more years of this! What a good use of scarce tax funds.
[sarcasm off]
Hopefully this will encourage more use of non-Micrsoft OSes to build a less homogenous infrastructure.