Forwarded from: Richard Forno <>
Forget California, It's Time to Recall Microsoft
Richard Forno <>
(c) 2003 Richard Forno.
Permission granted to reproduce in entirety with credit to author.
A sign on a Trenton, NJ railroad bridge says "Trenton Makes, The World
Takes." In light of recent history, a sign at Sea-Tac airport should
probably read "Microsoft Makes, The World Quakes."
For the second time this year, Microsoft is the source of a major
internet security event. First was Slammer/Sapphire in January that
seriously impacted networks and corporations around the world,
including shutting down ATM machines at some large banks. And now,
we've got MSBlaster taking advantage of a years-old vulnerability in
Microsoft Windows operating systems. But unlike Slammer that only
targeted servers, this one goes after desktop computers as well -
meaning that ninety percent of the world's computers are potential
targets and victims this week. Consumer desktops are significantly
more plentiful than corporate ones but less-protected against viruses,
worms, and other attacks. As low-hanging fruit goes, they're a perfect
target of opportunity for cyber-mischief.
According to a Wired
(,1377,59994,00.html) story
today, Microsoft is confused why these worms continue plaguing users when
the company's made great effort to improve the patch delivery process.
Microsoft says it's working with federal law enforcement to find out who's
behind the dastardly deed that's giving the software monopoly yet another
embarrassing black eye in the media. This is a typical Microsoft response
full of proactive sound of fury, but signifying nothing helpful. And the
media's full of reporting about the pervasiveness of MSBlaster and what
people can do to protect themselves against this "latest" cyber-threat.
Yet Microsoft says third-party software accounts for
of all Windows crashes. Funny, it also blamed the competing DR-DOS for
Windows 3.1 crashes in an (
attempt to get people to buy MS-DOS back in the 1980s. (It was later
discovered that Microsoft had engineered false error messages to trick
users into buying MS-DOS.) It also said Internet Explorer couldn't be
removed from Windows 95 without crippling the operating system, and
was proven wrong by enterprising researchers. So Microsoft's track
record for veracity isn't exactly stellar when it comes to its
products and business practices.
But, few if any are mentioning the real issues here: MSBlaster's
ability to affect practically all versions of Windows shows that
despite Microsoft's marketing flacks, there is still significant code
shared between all versions of Windows. Anyone who thinks DOS is dead,
or Windows XP's code internals have little in-common with Windows NT 4
should think again. MSBlaster proves it.
Also, MSBlaster takes advantage of known vulnerable network ports in
Windows, ports that any competent network administrator or internet
provider should have closed long, long ago. In fact, there's probably
no good reason why these ports should be enabled on consumer versions
of Windows or supported by ISP networks, for that matter. In other
words, it baffles the mind why these well-known ports continue to be a
major security vulnerability in Windows.
Of course, Microsoft pledges to continue working on its patch
distribution process as part of its larger "Trustworthy Computing"
initiative. That's all well and good, but does this mean the security
of our networked systems has been reduced to the repeated mantra of
"run the patch" and then sit back to wait for the next pair (exploit
and fix - a matched set!) to be released? Hopefully not. Security is a
two-part process requiring the network staff to administer their
resources appropriately and the software vendors to produce code
that's much more reliable than it is now.
As it did with the Slammer worm in January, Microsoft proudly says it
made available a patch for Windows far in advance of the vulnerability
being exploited on a massive scale. But many users didn't get the
message or download the patch - either because home users didn't
realize that the automatic Windows Update process was designed for
just that reason (or would "do it later") or, in the case of large
companies, network administrators likely were too busy installing any
number of other patches required (at least 30, according to the number
of security bulletins so far in 2003) to keep their Microsoft systems
operating in a somewhat more secure manner from week to week. (And we
wonder why help desk staffs burn out so quickly.)
If Microsoft really wanted to resolve its software problems, it would
take greater care to ensure such problems were fixed before its
products went on sale - and thus reverse the way it traditionally
conducts business. Doing so means less resources wasted by its
customers each year patching and re-patching their systems, hopefully
meaning more is available for effective network planning, design, and
management to support a robust defense-in-depth security strategy.
Customers shouldn't be forced to spend their money cleaning up after
Microsoft's mistakes, laziness, or general complacency, but on
improving their information environments to take full advantage of the
many benefits of the Information Age.
More importantly, why are we - users, administrators, media, and the
government - praising Microsoft for their response to this critical
problem? If something's wrong with a product, responsible companies
are obligated to fix it as a matter of good business practice. A
responsible adult knows that if you make a mess, you're expected to
clean it up, regardless if anyone compliments you for your efforts.
Did anyone expect widespread praise to be heaped on Ford Motors after
its Explorer fiasco a few years back? Hardly - there was a serious
problem with one of its products, and the company fixed it, albeit
under the threat of lawsuits from victims or their families.
But that's not the case with software, from Microsoft or anyone else.
When you acquire software, you don't really "buy" it, but rather
purchase a license to use it "as is" for a period of time, and the
vendor is under no obligation to fix anything wrong with its product.
If you take the time to read the thousands of words in a typical
software End User License Agreement (EULA) - and many people don't --
you'll see that by installing and using the software, you indemnify
the vendor against any claims, losses, or problems resulting from
using its software, even if the vendor knew about the problem before
it sold the product. In some cases, as this Register
( article notes, you
agree to let Microsoft remotely modify your software and you can't
hold it liable if something breaks as a result.
Code Red, Love Bug, Slammer, Nimda, Pretty Park, BubbleBoy, Melissa,
Code Red II, MSBlaster, and numerous other high-profile
Microsoft-sponsored incidents...many view them as "the price of doing
business in the Information Age" and cheerfully spend (or lose)
increasing amounts of money with each new incident arising from poorly
designed software. But rather than face reality by conducting a
dollars-and-sense risk assessment of their IT operation to see how
much Microsoft's vulnerabilities cost their enterprise annually, these
sheeple - at all levels of government, industry, and society -- prefer
tolerating mediocrity to efficiency and reliability in their software
assets, because they're either too lazy to investigate alternatives or
don't want to propose changes to the comfortable status quo.
What recourse do you have in such cases? You can't just sue the
software vendor for problems with their product like you can the maker
of a vehicle or appliance since you've given up those rights by using
the product under the terms of its license agreement. The only option
you have is continue using the software in question and scrambling to
update your systems whenever a new problem presents a danger to your
information assets. In other words, when Microsoft says "patch" you
salute and say "how soon?"
Or, you can vote with your pocketbook and move to an alternative
software product that works better, costs less to buy and maintain,
and won't burn out your network support staff. Nobody's saying you
must use any one particular product or operating system, and they all
tend to perform the same basic functions needed in today's working
society - although some are better at it than others. It may take a
little bit of effort to switch and get used to the new product, but
the long-term payoff will be worth it.
After all, in the real world, if you don't like Ford trucks, you can
buy a Jeep instead.
Eric Lee Green
Linux/Unix Engineer Seeks Job -
see for resume