Author: Mike Starke Date: Subject: using nc to simulate a service
On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 12:37:13PM -0700, Kevin Buettner wrote:
/_On Aug 12, 12:54pm, Mike Starke wrote:
/_> Couldn't I execute something like this on my ISP:
/_> nc myhomePC:port_number < parameters
/_This is fine so long as ``parameters'' is a file with some appropriate
/_data in it.
Does not work.
If I have a perl script on my pc, running under inetd that looks like:
#! /usr/bin/perl
system ("touch /home/me/it_worked-$ARGV[0]");
And I just execute the script like this:
./ 1234567
I get a file called "it_worked-1234567"
When I attempt to do this from my ISP with the following command:
nc myhomepc <port> < param
(where the file "param" has the data "1234567")
I get a file just called "it_worked-".