Debian + xfstt != pretty fonts

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Author: der.hans
Subject: Debian + xfstt != pretty fonts
Am 20. Jul, 2003 schw=E4tzte Deepak Saxena so:

> I've got a Sony PCG-2505HS laptop with debian installed and am having
> a very hard time getting X apps to use the nice true type fonts I copied
> over from the windows partitions. I'm running Debian unstable, X,
> with a Neomagic NM2200 grapchics controller. I have the true type fonts
> installed, I've run ttmkfdir, and I have X pointing at the correct port
> (unix:7101), but the fonts still look horrid. If I run xfontsel or gfontv=

> all my TTF fonts show up in the font list, but they all look like crap.
> I've already spent several hours fighting with xfstt(v1.4) and I'm lookin=

> for any pointers on what I may need to do differently to get this working=


Check what the preinstall script for msttcorefonts does. It probably uses

defoma - Debian Font Manager -- automatic font configuration framework

Hmm. Several things.

$ feta search defoma

Running: apt-cache search defoma
x-ttcidfont-conf - Configure TrueType and CID fonts for X.
defoma - Debian Font Manager -- automatic font configuration framework
defoma-doc - Documents of Debian Font Manager
dfontmgr - GUI frontend for defoma, DEbian FOnt MAnager
psfontmgr - PostScript font manager -- part of Defoma, Debian Font Manager


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