Author: Rob Wultsch Date: Subject: OT: Grind the bumps of a pcmcia card?
Background: I have 2 laptops, one of which is ancient (pentium 100).
This laptop I had a mother of time getting windows to work on it and
Lilo and grub just don't plain work... Any ho I have a D-link 650
(non-prism based, not that it matters) that I would like to use in the
cheap laptop.
The Problem: The laptop that I want to use this fairly new card in is
rather old. So old in fact that it dose not support ?cardbus? (the cards
with the bumps). What are the chances that a pcmcia card will funcion if
I grind the bumps off of the card so that it will in to an old pcmcia
slot? My orinoco card does not have the bumps and works in my ancient