Am 30. Jun, 2003 schw=E4tzte George Gambill so:
> It would seem that selecting a facility (along with a date) is one of the
> first decisions needed. Looking through the archives I find:
That it is.
> Requirements (Ideal Location):
> Large Room (Arena):
> able to hold 150 people plus 25 work areas (tables) including demos a=
> vendor booths).
> 25 Internet Connections (or switches to one to be defined)
> power connections for 25 stations (several computer systems each).
Realistically we want something closer to 50 work places. Those can be spli=
up into two rooms, though. ASULUG did an excellent job with that.
> Separate presentation rooms able to hold 25 people comfortably.
> Food services near by.
> Free
s/Free/no cost/, we're bringing the Freedom ;-)
> Twenty five (25) is a number picked out of the air. Its purpose is to
> generate comments. Feel free to correct this number.
> Further looking through the archives, I find:
> Michelle Lowman was working with Priscilla Gonzales with Darren Everingh=
> (Re: Cafe - Phoenix College)
Phx College wants money, so they're effectively out.
> I sent an email on this subject several weeks ago. Phoenix College has =
> site we can use that fits all of the criteria, and they are holding it
> for us for June 18th. I was under the impression that Mike Havens was
> coordinating this InstallFest. PC does require a fee for this space, so
> if we don't want it, someone (the coordinator, most likely) should tell
> them. The contact person at PC is Priscilla Gonzales,
> -Michelle Lowman
> Someone posted about the University of Phoenix
UofP axed most of the department that was going to sponsor us, so they're
probably out. I'll contact them again.
> Someone else mentioned The Front.
> Michelle, it the Phoenix College cafe still an option for mid September.
> Anyone got an email for a contact at The Front?
I emailed adam at The Front last week, but haven't gotten a response. I'll
try again.
elite pc also wants to host an InstallFest, but they're about to get
uprooted for the light rail. I'll talk with them again this week.
# You can't handle the source! - der.hans