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Subject: Newsletter from O'Reilly UG Program, May 29
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O'Reilly User Group Program
May 29, 2003
Please share this information with your members...
Highlights This Week:
Book News
-Head First Java
-iPhoto 2: The Missing Manual
-Programming C#, 3rd Edition
-Games, Diversions & Perl Culture
-Cocoa in a Nutshell
-Java Database Best Practices
Upcoming Events
-Perl Whirl Geek Cruise, Hawaii--Jun 1-8, 2003 =20
-Mac Mania II Geek Cruise, Hawaii--Jun 1-8, 2003 =20
-Microsoft Tech Ed 2003, Dallas, TX--Jun 1-6, 2003 =20
-JavaOne, San Francisco, CA--Jun 10-13, 2003
-New Talks at OSCON
-Put Up an O'Reilly Open Source Convention Banner,=20
Get a Free Book
-Are you an Amazon Associate?
-Apple as Innovator
-Why Try to Out-Google Google?
-Buy Where You Shop
-Gear Up for Summer=20
-Adventures with Kerberos, CVS, and GSS-API
-Apple and Linux: A Mutual Friendship?
-JBoss Optimizations 101
-Using Calculated DataColumns in ADO.NET
-Automating iPhoto 2 with AppleScript=20
-A DNS Primer
News From Your Peers
-MacFeast 2003, Norwalk, CA--June 14, 2003
Book News
Review books are available--email me for a copy.
***Please include the book order number on your requests.
Let me know if you need your books by a certain date.
Allow at least four weeks for shipping.=20
Send or email me copies of your newsletters and book reviews.
Don't forget, your members get 20% off any O'Reilly book they purchase
directly from O'Reilly. Just use code DSUG when ordering.
***Group purchases with better discounts are available***
Please let me know if you are interested.
Press releases are available on our press page:
***Head First Java
Order Number: 4656
You've never seen an O'Reilly book (or any other book, for that matter)
like "Head First Java." Learning well and at a deep level takes a lot
more than reading text on a page. Actively combining words and pictures
helps in both understanding a subject and remembering it. "Head First
Java" puts these ideas into practice with mind-stretching exercises,
memorable analogies, and stories, humor, and attitude that aren't
pasted-on distractions--they drive home key points and make ideas come
alive. The Head First approach is as effective as it is unique.
Excerpts on "A Trip to Objectville" and "Serious Polymorphism" are
available online:
***iPhoto 2: The Missing Manual
Order Number: 5067
Presented by best-selling author David Pogue, this updated edition
keeps pace with Apple's recently revised digital shoebox for uploading,
organizing, printing, publishing, and touching up digital photos.
"iPhoto 2: The Missing Manual" charts the latest changes and
illustrates the interactivity among Apple's iLife software products.
With this guide, Macintosh fans can take their digital photos to the
screen, the Web, printouts, hardbound photo books, and even to DVDs,
CDs, and digital movies. =20
Chapter 10, "Publishing a Photo," is available online:
***Programming C#, 3rd Edition
Order Number: 4893
"Programming C#, 3rd Edition" focuses on the features and programming
patterns that are new to the C# language and fundamental to programming
web services and web applications on the .NET platform. Newly updated
for version 1.1 of the .NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET 2003, the
book features expanded coverage of events and delegates, answers to
frequently asked questions about C#, and new tips and tricks, including
some for programmers coming from VB and C++ backgrounds.
Chapter 12,"Delegates and Events," is available online:
***Games, Diversions & Perl Culture
Order Number: 3129
This third volume of "The Best of the Perl Journal" includes some of
the most popular Perl articles ever written on the subjects of games,
diversions, and the unique culture of this close-knit community. You'll
find all of the playful features TPJ offered over the years, including
the Obfuscated Perl Contests, Perl Quiz Shows, renowned one-line
recipes, and a panoply of quirky Perl applications, such as genetic
algorithms, home automation, music programming, and natural language
processing. =20
Read "Searching for Rhymes with Perl" and "The Zeroth Annual Obfuscated
Perl Contest" online:
***Cocoa in a Nutshell
Order Number: 4621
"Cocoa in a Nutshell" begins with a complete overview of Cocoa's object
classes, and ends with a detailed quick reference. It provides
developers who may be experienced in other application toolkits with
the grounding they'll need to start developing Cocoa applications. A
complement to Apple's documentation, it is the only reference to the
classes, functions, types, constants, protocols, and methods that make
up Cocoa's Foundation and Application Kit frameworks, based on the
Jaguar release (Mac OS X 10.2).
Chapter 4, "Drawing and Imaging," is available online:
***Java Database Best Practices
Order Number: 5229
"Java Database Best Practices" takes you through a variety of ways to
store and access data, enabling you to learn which "persistence model"
is most appropriate for each type of application. This unique and
comprehensive guide introduces each of the dominant APIs (Enterprise
JavaBeans, Java Data Objects, and JDBC), along with lesser-known
options. The book also explores the methodology and design components
that use those APIs, and offers practices most appropriate for
different types and makes of databases and applications.
Chapter 2, "Relational Data Architecture," is available online:
Upcoming Events
***For more events, please see:
***Perl Whirl Geek Cruise, Hawaii--Jun 1-8, 2003 =20
Take a Perl Whirl Geek Cruise with authors Tim Bunce ("Programming the
Perl DBI"), Randal Schwartz ("Learning Perl"), Nathan Torkington ("Perl
Cookbook"), and Larry Wall ("Programming Perl, 3rd Ed."). Aloha!
***Mac Mania II Geek Cruise, Hawaii--Jun 1-8, 2003 =20
Have fun in the tropical sun on the Mac Mania II Geek Cruise with
authors James Duncan Davidson ("Learning Cocoa with Objective-C") and
David Pogue (Missing Manual Series).
***Microsoft Tech Ed 2003, Dallas, TX--Jun 1-6, 2003 =20
Drop by our booth, say howdy, and look over our latest publications.
***JavaOne, San Francisco, CA--Jun 10-13, 2003
Check out our latest Java offerings. Also, authors David Jordan and
Craig Russell ("Java Data Objects") are making the sole JDO
presentation at JavaOne. =20
Conference News
***New Talks at OSCON=20
Don't miss these newly added talks at July's Open Source Convention:
Clay Shirky and Stewart Brand on archiving digital data for the long
term; everyone's favorite Mozilla wrangler, Mitchell Baker, with a
session on Chandler; and David Fetter on why database projects fail.
User Group Members--use code DSUG when you register and you'll get 20%
off the conference pricing.
To register, go to:
O'Reilly Open Source Convention
Portland Marriott Downtown,
Portland, OR
July 7-11, 2003
***Put Up an O'Reilly Open Source Convention Banner, Get A Free Book
Ready for the next conference banner promotion? Here it is: We are
looking for user groups to display our conference banners on their web
sites. If you send me the link to your user group site with our
O'Reilly Open Source Convention banner, I will send you the O'Reilly
book of your choice.
OSCON Conference Banners:
News From O'Reilly & Beyond
General News
***Are you an Amazon Associate?=20
Let me know at
marsee@oreilly.com. We're interested in hearing about
your experiences with Amazon.
***Apple as Innovator
Tim O'Reilly's latest: Thoughts on Apple as innovator, especially as a
cultural innovator. =20
***Why Try to Out-Google Google?
Tara Calishain writes that Google's success, at least initially, had
nothing to do with actual technology. In this article, she looks at
what has made Google a success and ways the search engine could
out-Google itself. Tara is the coauthor of O'Reilly's best-selling
"Google Hacks."
Google Hacks
Order Number: 4478
***Buy Where You Shop
In O'Reilly's spring catalog, Tim O'Reilly writes, "If you value the
bookstore experience, my advice is this: buy where you shop. I buy lots
of books online....But when I shop for books in bookstores, I buy
them there, and so should you."
***Gear Up for Summer=20
Do some entertaining this summer. We've got a few things that will help
you impress your guests: open source beer coasters, tarsier mugs, and
classy T-shirts. Show them just how cool you really are. Check out all
the O'Reilly gear at ThinkGeek.
Open Source
***Adventures with Kerberos, CVS, and GSS-API
One of the difficulties of writing about technology is exploring the
dark corners where no one's ever been before. Jennifer Vesperman
recently tried to make her CVS installation use Kerberos
authentication. In this article she describes how she went about
integrating the two.
Jennifer is the author of the upcoming "Essential CVS."
Order Number: 4591
***Apple and Linux: A Mutual Friendship?
Is running a Linux distro on Mac hardware just sick? Why do people do
it? O'Reilly's editors talk about the benefits of, and pitfalls in,
running Linux on Mac OS X, in the latest "From the Editors List."
***JBoss Optimizations 101
"First make it work, then make it fast." Your J2EE application works,
but it's slower than you'd like under peak load. Before you rush out
for new hardware, check out your configuration. Sacha Labourey and Juha
Lindfors demonstrate a few simple techniques to improve JBoss
performance without spending money.
***Using Calculated DataColumns in ADO.NET
If you have a background in database work, you have undoubtedly run
into the rules of normalization. But even though ADO.NET's DataSet
class is sometimes described as a "relational database in memory," it's
important to remember that there are differences between databases and
DataSets. In this particular case, the DataSets are designed to manage
calculated columns. In this article Mike Gunderloy will show you the
syntax for building calculated columns in your own DataSets, and
discuss some of the pros and cons of using such columns.
***Automating iPhoto 2 with AppleScript=20
Derrick Story writes "It's easy enough to get your photos in iPhoto 2,
but how do you process them en masse once they're there? The best
combination is AppleScript and Photoshop. Here's a tutorial on how to
automate iPhoto 2, complete with downloadable scripts."
Derrick is coauthor of " iPhoto 2: The Missing Manual"
Order Number: 5067
***A DNS Primer
Lurking in your Utilities folder is the Network Utility application,
which provides you with a variety of lookup services. Dan Benjamin
introduces you to this utility in his DNS primer.
News From Your Peers
***MacFeast 2003, Norwalk, CA--June 14, 2003
Shawn King, host of Your Mac Life, internet radio show and Brendan
Schilling, regional manager from Apple Computer are the special guest
This event includes a chuck wagon BBQ dinner, the evening's speakers,
plus the pre-show vendor expo and door prize drawing. Seating is very
limited and must be reserved online in advance. Please use invitation
code OR-1. There will be no onsite admission. =20
Cerritos College
Student Activities Center
11110 Alondra Blvd
Norwalk, CA
Until next time--
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