Author: Liberty Young Date: Subject: Any linux programmers out there?
Ray Grey:
A colleague of mine, Craig White, mentioned that while you see the
benefits of Open Software, you also see as one of its weaknesses the
lack of Linux Programmers, specifically in the Phoenix metro area.
This is not true. I, too, am "Linux Programmer", meaning that my strong
points are C in an Linux OS. I work for an embedded computer
manufacturer, and I've seen many capable customers transfer their C
skills from DOS to Linux within a few weeks of serious studying.
In reality, those with strong programming skills can do "Linux Work",
even if they come from a DOS or Windows world...unless they use VB ;-)
The dichotomy of Windows programmers and Linux programmers is really
just the tools, and the dependency upon those tools. With support
communities such as the Phoenix Linux Users Group, publishers such as
O'Reilly, and our friend Google, the knowledge to use Linux programming
tools are not locked away in an ivory tower, held only by an elite few.