Who is using a winmodem to connect to MSN with
kppp? Maybe we could get your settings from you,
please? And William, what's the pon/poff solution
you mention?
> From: William Lindley <wlindley@wlindley.com>
> Scott's problem is the same as was happening
> for Michael Havens, which is
> the same as was happening for my dad... this
> same thing happens for all
> distributions (Mandrake, RedHat, Debian, and
> others) using kppp... or just
> about anything except pon/poff which is the
> only way my dad has been able
> to use his modem under Linux.
> Curiously, some folks on the list report kppp
> to work fine, but in my
> experience it has never worked anywhere on any
> distro, always giving "died
> unexpectedly."
> If we can nail down WHY, I'll put the solution
> into an official FAQ
> somewhere somehow.
> There must be tens of thousands of people who
> have this same problem, but
> I've never found a satisfactory answer anywhere
> on the net, after days of
> googling.
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