If you are really lazy, like me :), you can run them thru zip on the Linux side:
zip 1.zip <filenames or * for glob>
then in a new area you can:
unzip -a 1.zip
see "man unzip" for conversion options.
JLF Sends...
Jean L. Francois - Linux Architect
Ciber, Inc.
FSIC - Ford Systems Integration Center
Office - 313-317-4378 ( Temporary )
Home - 586-293-9081 ( Until April )
Cell - 602-770-5531
-----Original Message-----
daz@undertaker.homeip.net [
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: Converting End of Line markers
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Simper, Brian D wrote:
> A co-worker sent a set of development files to me containing source code
> and scripts. Unfortunately, he routed it through his Windows desktop and
> all of the text files have the standard Dos end-of-line markers. Bash
> won't interpret them correctly. Is there a simple way to convert between
> Dos EOL and UNIX/Linux EOL?
> Thanks,
> Brian
dos2unix is the tool I use.
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