On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Eric Lee Green wrote:
> Not hostility, just fact. They require "X" to be installed in order to manage
> them (with the possible exception of SuSE, I haven't tried SuSE in a while).
gotta take exception to this. I admin quite a few (past and present)
redhat servers with no "X" installed. You just have to know what you're
doing :) As with everything else, it comes down to what you know. If you
are better at administering debian, well, you'll have tight debian servers
and maybe not as tight redhat ones. the converse is also true.
> This doesn't make Red Hat or Mandrake bad, of course (I'm typing this at a
> Mandrake system, and work with Red Hat daily). Just not ideal for all
> situations.
*this* I agree with
"I find your lack of faith disturbing."
--Darth Vader
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