/_Quick question can you set the Alias directive in a .htaccess file? and
/_if so would I put it in the /xcart example here?
/_so if my URL is
http://www.mywebsite.com/ and I really want them to go
/_In my htdocs dir I could create a .htaccess file with an Alias of
/_/DocumentRoot /DocumentRoot/dir1/dir2 ?
I have always made my changes in srm/access/httpd.conf
Some directives I have put in .htaccess files, but I am
not sure which ones are allowed or not. I suspect which
are/are not are dictated by the access/httpd.conf file.
I could be wrong (someone please confirm), but I believe you
need a AllowOverride set correctly for a given Directory
in order for Apache to decide what and what not the .htaccess file
is allowed to do. Something tells me, however, that an Alias would
not work in .htaccess. Again, I could be wrong.